Task Forces

Dr. Stern speaking at a task force meeting

The University of Florida actively coordinates three Animal Cruelty Task Forces in Florida. Members of county, state, and federal government agencies are eligible to join one of the task forces. Task Force members include prosecutors, law enforcement officers, animal control personnel, forensic scientists, and veterinarians. These task forces bring key partners and agencies together to collaborate on investigating and prosecuting crimes against animals throughout the state of Florida.

These task forces meet quarterly and all work to ensure justice for animal victims and increase the quality of life for animals in our jurisdictions by:

  1. educating our peers on effective investigation and prosecution of crimes against animals
  2. reviewing ongoing cases and share intelligence related to crimes against animals
  3. advocating for legislative changes that could increase our ability to protect animals from abuse

Currently, the state of Florida is divided into 3 different task forces:

  • Northwest Florida Animal Cruelty Task Force
    • 1st, 2nd, and 14th Judicial Circuits
  • North Florida Animal Cruelty Task Force
    • 4th, 7th, and 8th Judicial Circuits
  • Central Florida Animal Cruelty Task Force
    • 5th and 9th Judicial Circuits
    • Scattered counties from the 6th, 10th, 12, 13th, and 18th Judicial Circuits

If you see a case of suspected animal cruelty or animal fighting call your local animal services or law enforcement agency.

For more information about joining one of these Animal Cruelty Task Forces, please fill out the VFSL Contact Form.